Re: Courier or Cyrus
Am Mittwoch, den 16. M?rz hub Paul Dwerryhouse folgendes in die Tasten:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 10:33:57AM -0700, Michael Loftis wrote:
> > There is one serious problem. He'll need multiple servers since the unix
> > UID limit hits at 65535. So you can only get about 64k users created per
> > box, regardless of anything else.
> Courier-IMAP can use LDAP; we had 140000 - 240000 users per box.
How do you manage Unix access rights?
I guess every Maildir is owned by mail user or something?
| | Follow the white penguin.
| |\/| | |-----------------------------------------------------------.
| | |/\| | Rechnerbetrieb Mathematik | Meine Baustellen: TSM |
| | Universitaet Paderborn | Hostmaster, Linux, LDAP |
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