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Re: Re: Lilo + RAID1 @ root partition


Correct! the boot= should be md2 not md10 in my case, thanks =)

but... mm.. err how do I write correct MBR to sda & sbd now when the
situation is that I have bootet system on HDA because booting failed
in sda or sba after power went off (damm syster!!) 

Could that be somehow like mount /dev/md10 as /foo (real root partion is sda3 or sdb3) and copy /foo/etc/lilo.conf to /etc/lilo.conf and then run lilo whit some special schwitches to get right thihgs to those sda & sdb disks to get system running? 

I have working OS on md10 but I can't boot for it now :(


> Hi,
> On Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 03:49:13PM +0200, Nmap wrote:
> > I have exactly the same problem than Dave in
> > 
> > http://lists.debian.org/debian-isp/2004/04/msg00265.html 
> > 
> > The tricks that was mentioned in those posts do not help for
> me, still
> > the same error "Fatal: map file must be on the boot RAID
> partition"
> > 
> > My lilo.conf
> > 
> > lba32
> > boot/dev/md10
> Shouldn't be boot=/dev/md2 here? Looks like it's your boot
> partition
> and place where /boot/map resides...
> > root/dev/md10
> > raid-extra-boot="/dev/sda,/dev/sdb"
> I never tested this option, but I guess it's for the same things
> I'm doing manually. So if changing boot option wouldn't work, you
> can try
> manual solution - I'm setting in fdisk the active partitions for
> both disks
> to underlying disk partitions of RAID boot partition (sda1, sdb1
> in your
> case, I guess same can be done by -A lilo switch), and after that
> running
> `lilo -M /dev/sd[ab] mbr` for both disks do the rest. I suspect
> something like raid-extra-boot=mbr would do it for me
> automagically, so I'll
> try it next time.
> > Anybody have any idea what should I do to get lilo work? The
> goal is that
> > both drives should have the same MBR, so if one of those fails
> the machine
> > still boots and I can replace broken disk
> Just don't forget, that it's still software RAID, so if your
> primary disk
> fails, it can render your system unbootable anyway (until you
> unplug broken
> disk of course).
> Regards,
>     Robert Tasarz
> -- 
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