Re: vpopmail+spamassassin
On Mar 4, 2005, at 10:15 AM, Antonin Karasek wrote:
Hi everybody,
does anybody know, how to setup SpamAssassin with vpopmail, qmailadmin
and with user_prefs?
I need to be able to set different preferences for different users.
And more - some of my users don't want to recieve SPAMs at all - so,
for some users I need to delete SPAMs.
I'm solving the last issue with simscan - it can delete SPAMs - but I
don't know, whether it can call spamc with "-u" option.
I suppose to use qmail-scaner - but I don't know, whether it can drop
Can anybody help?
Hey there-
We used the outline followed here... it got us far enough where we
could fix the rest of the stuff to get it working. I recommend storing
the spamassassin userprefs in MySQL, that way you can grow your mail
servers (and have backup MX's, etc.) without issue.
Hope that helps-
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