Re: Wanted: Debian Friendly Hosting - UK (or USA)
On the 3rd of March 2005 at 15:54, Charles Fry <> wrote:
> After seeing all the fine UK responses, I can't help but wondering what
> those on the list would recommend for root Debian hosting within the US.
I have my Debian dedicated server at and I'm very happy with
it. I ordered custom partition scheme with ReiserFS. They install Sarge, so
you avoid the hassle of upgrading ;) Great support (via ticket system, not
e-mail) with fast responses, always willing to help staff (and sales people
too :)). I got the LT-2A package (pIV@2.8 + 1GB RAM + 2x80GB HDD, 1000GB
monthly bandwidth) priced $99 now.
use gnus, not guns!
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