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Re: Cloning disks with dd and netcat

On Tue, 2004-07-27 11:15:54 -0400, George Georgalis <george@galis.org>
wrote in message <[🔎] 20040727151554.GG31406@trot.local>:
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2004 at 04:09:04PM +0200, Volker Tanger wrote:
> yes knoppix 2 will save time, you can "su -" from x as well.

...or just switch away from X11 down to one of the text consoles.

> I don't think your system will work though. because you are writing the
> mbr and the partition table with the fs image, you would have to have
> the _exact_ same disk which is less common then you may expect.

CHS values are mostly meaningless today, so for all "modern" software,
it's mostly okay working on an image that was ripped off a different
disk, as long as the source disk is smaller than the target:)

Of course, you loose the additional size of your new disk, if it's
larger. Possibly one can "fix" that by adding additional partitions, but
I've never ever tried that, to be honest:)

> I use knoppix to make a cpio image of the 'root filesystem' I'll be
> imaging. (eg mounted / /usr /home and /var). Then with another script

Try that with a formerly booting NT system on a NTFS filesystem:)

> under knoppix I partition the disk per the application, wget the cpio
> with http/https (maybe with passwd) to stdout and unzip the cpio
> image to the filesystem.  Do a similar procedure to put the right
> kernel/modules on the target, complete with vmlinuz simlink. and run a
> bootloader.

That'd work for Unix systems, and if you used some hacked tar, that
could even work with ACLs. But you'll face a hard time to try to boot
DOS or Windows afterwards (even Linux wouldn't boot, as long as you
didn't write a new boot sektor for it).

Basically, what is what we want to achieve (normally)?

	* Prepare a full crash-recovery backup for a machine, while a
	  cold spare box (or at least a HDD of same or larger size) is
	  available.   A dd-like backup is a cool thing for that,
	  mostly independant of the operating system.

	* Same as above, but with Linux (or similar) as OS.   A small
	  sfdisk input script and tar-like backup may be a lot faster
	  than the above, additionally allowing you to easily resize
	  partitions. However, you've got to take care about booting the
	  box by re-installing the bootloader.

	* Simple data backup.   Just use tar/cpio/whatever. Possibly,
	  utilities that know about the filesystem (dump, ...) may even
	  be faster than accessing all the single files with tar-alikes.

> It is a time consuming to get setup but the process is designed to be
> portable, fast and maintainable. On a fast network the image can be done
> in 5 to 15 minutes.

Right, but leaves you with the problem of making Non-Linux systems


Jan-Benedict Glaw       jbglaw@lug-owl.de    . +49-172-7608481             _ O _
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