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Re: e2fs unstable on powerdown

On Mon, 2004-11-29 21:46:15 +0100, David Zejda <dvid@atlas.cz>
wrote in message <[🔎] 41AB8A97.7090004@atlas.cz>:
> Hi!
> I'm facing severe problems with e2fs on low-volume server with Postfix 
> and NSD running. Every time the power goes off, the / is mounted ro 
> (which is meaningful) and is a bit corrupted (10-20 files with 0 size, 
> bad owners, completely lost etc.). I know, the best solution would be to 
> buy the UPS, but is a such unstability common? I wouldn't be surprised 

Get real. If you rip off power from your computer, running an operating
system that tries to *cache* things by using it's RAM, what do you

There's a lot of unwritten data in your computer's RAM, which isn't
brought to stable storage on a power failure.

> in case of Raiser with cache enabled, but ext2 is known as a relative 
> stable fs. Should I tune something or is the UPS the only way? Thanks 
> for hints!

ext2, as any other writeable filesystem not mounted in a synchronous,
will just always somehow fail. Some very clever filesystems can minimize
the effects, but just letting the power go away is a bad thing.

If power failures are common at your site, mount the filesystem in
synchronous mode (which is a *lot* slower) and/or start using ext3. This
at least will keep the filesystem itself intact (but not neccessarily
the file's contents).


Jan-Benedict Glaw       jbglaw@lug-owl.de    . +49-172-7608481             _ O _
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