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Re: POSTFIX+MYSQL - Será que funciona mesmo?

Marcelo Ribeiro Donatão wrote:

Pessoal utilizo o DEBIAN SARGE, e estou tentando utilizar COURIE+POSTFIX+MYSQL.

Ja segui todas as receitas de bolo disponíveis sobre o assunto, tanto nacional quanto internacional, fiz algumas alterações, porém nenhuma resolveu os problemas aqui apresentados.

Espero que na comunidade o sucesso seja melhor.

Uhm yeah, we don't all speak Spanish ;) Anyway, looking at the log and thinking you have a problem i suggest changing the master.cf line:

rewrite unix - - - - - trivial-rewrite


rewrite unix - - n - - trivial-rewrite

That means it will not run chrooted anymore, since that seems to be your problem. It's not the best solution, since you shouldn't connect through your socket anyway, but it works.

Robert (hope the lines in spanish weren't saying anything that makes my answer look stupid :P)

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