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Re: Debian file server to WinXP clients

also sprach Chris G. <grahn@xmission.com> [2004.10.27.0226 +0200]:
> Tried the windows server but had major fragmentation problems and
> a hard time keeping up with the problem.  Switched to linux but
> Samba's performance seems to be sub par. (Maybe 5-10 meg/sec
> transfer rate)

That's a configuration problem. Samba is not fast enough to saturate
a 1000Mbps link, but more than 10meg/sec is doable.

> I know a lot of this may depend on the file system and hardware
> being used but what networked file systems has returned good
> through put on multi OS networks?

There is only CIFS (Samba) if you use WinXP. NFS does not work

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 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
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