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Woody and Java with lots of threads

Dear list,

Has anyone managed to get java 1.4.2 running with 1100 + threads on Woody (with 2.4.25smp)?

I currently have the following ulimits set...

:~$ ulimit -a
core file size        (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size         (kbytes, -d) unlimited
file size             (blocks, -f) unlimited
max locked memory     (kbytes, -l) unlimited
max memory size       (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files                    (-n) 8192
pipe size          (512 bytes, -p) 8
stack size            (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time             (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes            (-u) 4096
virtual memory        (kbytes, -v) unlimited

The machine has 1G of RAM.

With SARGE I am able to get  3500 processes runnning...

Any suggestions on how I should set -Xms -Xss -Xmx ?

Is this a problem with glibc on woody?



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