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Re: Can we build a proper email cluster? (was: Re: Why is debian.org email so unreliable?)

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 13:35, "Lucas Albers" <albersl@cs.montana.edu> wrote:
> > As long as the machine is fixed within four days of a problem we don't
> > need
> > more than one.  Email can be delayed, it's something you have to get used
> > to.
> Machines are cheap enough, wouldn't it be reasonable to throw in
> redundancy? Unless having 2 machines adds unneccessary complexity to the
> setup.

Better to have one good machine than three cheap machines.  The more machines 
you have the greater the chance that one of them will break.

> Sometimes I don't even realize one of the external relays is broken for a
> day...(even though the monitoring tools should tell you.)

Which is another good reason for not having such redundant servers.

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