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Re: Updated Debian boot-floppies for Proliant

Lucas Albers a écrit :
Your boot floppy site designed to install on pretty much all the hardware
out there:

Thanks a LOT!

I second this ! Thanks a lot.

The next step is getting the hp monitoring tools working on debian.

Take a look at http://www.sk-tech.net/support/HPrpm2deb.sh.html
It worked straightforward for me.

This script fetches the RPM for RedHat on HP's FTP site, does alien,
adapts some things for debian and eventually gaves debs.


Emmanuel Halbwachs              Labo. de Photonique et Nanostructures
tel      : (+33)1 69 63 61 34                             CNRS UPR 20
fax      : (+33)1 69 63 60 06       Route de Nozay F 91460 Marcoussis

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