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Re: help with BIND SRV

On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 08:23:31PM -0600, Nate Duehr wrote:
> Most people setting up round-robin DNS type setups for redundancy with 
> scripts to change things for failover get bit by these things:
> - They don't understand that there might be multiple DNS servers between 
> their top-level and the machine they're servicing (3X and 4X TTL)

RFC 1035 specifies in chapter 6.1.3. that requests served from a cache
should return a TTL which has been decremented by the amount of seconds
in cache, i.e. the TTL "counts down" in the cache.

Therefore I consider any caching nameservers that do not do this broken.
Are there a significant amount of such servers out there?

Though I agree on most of the other points.

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