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Re: Help. Looking for FTP solution for multiple clients.

You'll have to implement it yourself, but here's how it may work:
With proftpd, you can authenticate users from a mysql database. The
table that proftpd users, there are columns for username, UID , and home
directory (among the others). You can have a master account, for UID
2345, in directory /home/user , so this account will chroot there, and
then, some more accounts, that will have the same UID, but different
directories, like /home/user/dir1 , /home/user/dir2 , etc. They won't be
able to look beneath their directory.

That's not _that_ simple solution, but it doesn't take a lot of time to

На ?, 2003-05-20 в 00:51, Sis записа:
>    I am looking for a solution that may already exist.
>    I have a client that i am VirtualHosting. The client is a business
> that accepts very large files from their clients. They had everyone just
> dump into one big FTP location but all of them were stealing each
> others' files. :(
>    I modified a PHP script for uploading which gave each of the
> sub-clients their own sub-directory with username and password to upload
> to. But for some reason, the script fails to upload anything larger than
> about 5Mb (it's not the max_upload_filesize in php.ini which i
> increased) Argh.
>    So, does anyone have a simple or modifiable solution for:
> - multiple sub-clients having their own FTP upload space (i don't want
> to have to manually create user accounts and passwords for each of their
> clients who come and go)
> - no limit on file size (i suppose there is a real upper limit, but
> 100Mb is not unusual in this business)
> - easy interface for the client and their clients
>    Any help will greatly be appreciated.

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