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RE: Count traffic

Daniel Kradolfer wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm searching a solution to count in- and outgoing traffic for each
> virtual user (domain). Our boxes are running Apache, Proftpd 
> and qmail.
> Does anybody know some good working GPLed software/tool to do one of
> these tasks.
> thanks
> kradi
We use mod_watch <http://www.snert.com/Software/mod_watch-3.18/index.shtml>
to gather accounting data for name-based virtual hosts.
Basically, you get a simple html table with SNMP-like "interface" counters
for each virtual host. They also provide a perl script to import this data
into mrtg, and I wrote a simple one to store the accounting data in our
homebrew mysql accounting database.

It's not perfect, since HTTP headers (neither received nor sent) are not
accounted, but still better than a script digging through each vhosts


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