Re: Apache config database generated
Hi Maarten,
I believe there's a linuxconf module for Apache
( Maybe you can use that?
On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 10:16, Maarten van der Hoef wrote:
> Dear List,
> I was wondering if there are tools/libs which handle the complete
> apache config with all it's directives etc.. I found some apache
> virtual host tools which can add <virtual hosts:80> but no tools/libs
> which can do the whole thing except Webmin but that's not something I
> can use.
> As Apache is the most used Webserver in the world, there must be some
> good opensource libs/tools there for it's configuration file. Some
> CPAN modules handle httpd.conf but those still require me to write
> a lot for just parsing the file.
> Maybe I'm just lazy.
> Best regards,
> Maarten
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