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Re: OT: secondary dns

also sprach Jacob Elder <jake@lucidpark.net> [2002.01.11.1933 +0100]:
> > however, this being an extra administrative burden, and me currently in
> > the process of moving to another registrar, i started questioning the
> > point of the additional two. assume the main server as well as it's mail
> > backup (the second server) both go down, then what's the point of being
> > able to resolve the zone data? i guess negative TTL, but is there
> > another reason? after all, what use is it to me to be able to resolve
> > e.g. metrosophia.com to its IP, if the IP and the backup MX are down?
> I believe it's the difference between mail bouncing and mail defferring.

very good point. it actually occured to me just a while ago.


if a message is to be delivered to mail.madduck.net (for instance), and
mail.madduck.net maps to, but that IP is unreachable,
the mail will remain in the queue and be tried later. if
mail.madduck.net does not resolve to an IP, it will immediately bounce.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
give me ambiguity or give me something else.

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