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AliasMatch / minimal match?

I am stuck in setting up a regex to be used in the AliasMatch-directive
in Apache.

I want to make it possible to access some of my virtual webspaces even
if the apache was not yet configured or DNS-update takes too long :)

My virtual webspaces can be found in 


I wanted to make it possible to call that in a browser using:


to do so, I've tried to set up a directive like:

AliasMatch ^/vwww/(.*)\.(.*)/(.*)$ /home/vwww/$2/$1/htdocs/$3
                             ^^^^ path $3
                        ^^^^ example.com $2
                  ^^^^ host $1

But since it's regexp it matches the longest possible match. I get the
following matches:
        $1 = host.example
        $2 = com
and not
        $1 = host
        $2 = example.com

I've tried to make the first (.*) a (.*?) to get minimal matching, but
Apache does not seem to support it?

Any ideas?

PS: Same with path:

gives me
        $1 = www.example
        $2 = com/some/path
        $3 = index.html

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