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opinions on swap size and usage?

For years I've been configuring my machines with "small" swap spaces, no
larger than 128MB in most cases, even though most of my systems have
512MB - 1GB of memory.  My desktop computer has zero swap, although I
have more ram than even X + gnome + mozilla + xemacs can use. :-)

I do this because I think if they need to swap that much, there is
probably Something Wrong, and all that disk access is just going to make
the machine unusable.  May as well let it grind to a halt quickly than
drag it out, I always said.

Alexis Bory's post earlier today made me think about swap a bit more
than I usually do.  What do other folks on this list do?  Zero swap?  As
much swap as physical memory?  More?  Why?  Can you change the swapper's
priority, and does this help when your machine starts swapping heavily?

Thanks for the opinions.

Jeff S Wheeler               jsw@five-elements.com
Software Development            Five Elements, Inc

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