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Re: dist-upgrade on remote server

On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 11:52:49AM +0200, I. Forbes wrote:
> Hello Andreas
> It should be possible.  I upgraded a number machines from slink to
> potato - remotely but I  have not started on remote potato to woody
> upgrades yet.  If helps if you have practised on a local machine.
> I suggest you take a few precautions:
> -   be vary careful before you re-boot the machine.

I just had to travel to a server that failed to come up from a reboot after
remote upgrade to woody. The problem was kernel-2.4.17's initrd stuff didn't
automaticly load the AHA-2940 module... In the 2.2.x series kernel this must
have been compiled in, but for the new 2.4.x series it needed an entry in
/etc/modules. I ended up manualy running modconf to add it in, then
dpkg-reconfigure'd the kernel to make sure the initrd had it in. Another
option that _might_ have worked is installing discover... 

Just something else to be wary of :-(

ABO: finger abo@minkirri.apana.org.au for more info, including pgp key

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