RE: Sendmail
Thanks Martin,
I'll check that out. I have been able to verify that sendmail is working for
outgoing stuff by getting a form mailer working. It's just not replying by
sending to my account @ the ip address. I believe that
sendmail is configured to use my domain name but cant yet because my DNS
changes haven't occured yet from my old site to my new site.
Michael Welch
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Man []
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 12:36 PM
To: Michael R. Welch
Cc: debian - isp
Subject: Re: Sendmail
On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 01:48:37PM -0700, Michael R. Welch wrote:
> <snip/>
> When I remotely scan the ports I can't find smtp services. So my question
> how do you configure sendmail to start in daemon mode on reboot. I'm new
> debian but have some unix/linux experience as a user and super user, but
> unfamiliar with some of the finer details.
generally all system services are started thru /etc/init.d/... scripts,
are linked to appropriate runlevel directories /etc/rc?.d/..., the default
boot runlevel can be found in /etc/inittab on the line containing
... to see whether the service is running at the machine you can use
netstat -ltu (listen, tcp, udp)
more in nag, lag, etc. they're packaged...
> thanks
> Michael Welch
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