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Re: server health-load balancers

On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 01:34:03AM -0700, avinash naik wrote:

> how does the server monitoring system infoem the load
> balancers about the health of the servers.I wanted to
> know how basically its done.
> please do reply
> bye avinash

LVS ( Linux Virtual Server ) uses ldirectord. ldirector send a request to
a url if the response doesn't contain an expected string it takes the server 

cisco localdirector check the state of the http port if it gets a server
response it assumes the server is ok. cisco ld doesn't detect 
"Server too Busy" or any other common error messages.


staf wagemakers

homepage:	http://www.stafwag.f2s.com
email:		stafwag@f2s.com

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