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Re: apache-fp


Here is a step by step description, how i did it. It was on slink, but i
think it should work on potato too.

- download the fp-extensions from http://www.rtr.com/

- extract the extensions in /usr/local

- get the original apache source from http://www.apache.org/

- extract it in /usr/src

- patch the apache source:
/usr/src/apache-X.Y.Z$ patch <

- copy mod_frontpage.c to /usr/src/apache-X.Y.Z/src/modules/extra

- add the line 'AddModule modules/extra/mod_frontpage.o' to
/usr/src/apache-X.Y.Z/src/Configuration and

- configure apache with:
/usr/src/apache-X.Y.Z$ ./configure --enable-module=status \
 --enable-module=info --enable-module=log_referer \
 --enable-module=log_agent --enable-module=frontpage \
 --prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/lib/apache/1.3 \
 --sysconfdir=/etc/apache --localstatedir=/var/state/apache \
 --runtimedir=/var/run --logfiledir=/var/log/apache \
 --includedir=/usr/include/apache-1.3 \
 --datadir=/var/www  --without-confadjust

- build and install apache with:
/usr/src/apache-X.Y.Z$ make install

- i had to put all the content of access.conf and srm.conf into
httpd.conf an add the following lines to httpd.conf:
ResourceConfig /dev/null
AccessConfig /dev/null

- link /usr/local/frontpage/currentversion to the current fp-version

This works for me and i hope it works for you too, or at least helps you
to build a fp-enabled apache server.

Felix Egli                      | E-Mail: fegli@goldnet.ch
Communication Systems Inc. AG   | Phone:  +41-1-926 61 42
GoldNet                         | Fax:    +41-1-926 61 45
Grundstrasse 66, CH-8712 Stäfa, Switzerland

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