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RE: Msql question

Check your web server logs.

Normally use should use the DBI module:

use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:msql:forum","server","password") or die "Can't
connect to database: DBI->errstr\n";

the syntax for the DBI module is pretty close to the msql module if not the
same (it was in hamm.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Templin [mailto:templin@urdirect.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 2:57 PM
To: debian-isp@lists.debian.org
Subject: Msql question

Anyone familiar with Msql and accessing it via the Perl module?

Any idea why the following line isn't creating anything in my database


use Msql;
$databasename = "vendor1";

$dbh = Msql->connect("",$databasename);

$dbitem_add = $dbh->query("insert into products (vendpart, datestamp,
brand, manpart, descript, resaleprice, whlslprice, listprice, inventory)
values ($product_info[$vendpart], $date_stamp, $product_info[$brand],
$product_info[$manpart], $product_info [$descript],
$product_info[$resellprc], $product_info[$whlslprc],
$product_info[$listprc], $product_info[$inventory]");

Assuming of course that @product_info is properly stuffed with data, and
that the index references do exist properly.

Any insights are ever so welcome - I'm cutting lots of new teeth on this
crazy project.


Peter J. Templin, Jr., CCNA
Systems and Networks Administrator

On-Line Internet Services - URDirect.net
A division of Global On-Line Computers
2414 Babcock Rd. Suite 106		templin@urdirect.net
San Antonio, TX 78229			(210)692-9911

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