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IPv6-only with SLAAC doesn't update resolv.conf

Hello list,

I'd like to make some experiences what would happen if tomorrow I'd wake
up in a IPv6-only world.

Therefore I've updated my /etc/network/interfaces file so to have only a
"iface wlan0 inet6 auto" statement w/o  a "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" statement.

The observation I've made was that interface addressing works as
expected, but name resolution doesn't work, since /etc/resolv.conf still
points to the IPv4 address set by the DHCP config before.

I've also installed and started resolvconf package but this didn't help
I've also read the Kernel IPv6 networking documentation (suspected a
/proc/sys/net flag) but found no variable that would influence this

What would be Linux' solution to such a typical setup where no DHCPv6
server is around, like in any consumer environment?

Is there a gap of thinking, either on my side or on Linux's developers side?

               - Alex

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