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Re: Losing IPv6 connectivity after 20min, why?

Am 20.04.2017 um 03:53 schrieb Info:
> Hello Olaf,
> I've run at the exactly same issue, but delay on my end is around ~1 min.
> I'm also on fresh/brand-new Hetzner root server, no changes applied, ipv6 wasn't working from the beginning.
> Also for some weird reason fe80::1missing lladdr (MAC) in neighbour:
> # ip neigh
> fe80::1 dev eth0  FAILED
> 176.9.XX.XX dev eth0 lladdr 00:31:XX:XX:XX:XX REACHABLE
> Anyways could you tell - have you solved this issue? If so, how?
> Sincerely.

Have you ever thought using EUI-64 instead of manually setting the
link-local address manually?

A possible reason may be a duplicate address on the same link which
isn't very unlikely using fe80::1.

Cheers Alex

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