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Re: Ipv6 firewall in Sarge - iptable

I would second the information added by Dominic regarding the ip6tables

I'm the maintainer of Firewall Builder (fwbuilder) which currently does
not support IPv6, but I have been corresponding with upstream for
several years now about adding the support and he has said he will
address it when there is demand for it. I currently know of no IPv6
firewall utilities currently available.

You can find out more about fwbuilder at http://www.fwbuilder.org and if
more people than me start making requests for IPv6 support maybe it will
become a reality sooner rather than later.


kmlhk79-ipv6@yahoo.com.hk wrote:

>Dear All :
>I have set up my Ipv6 over Ipv4 tunnel to Freenet6 .
>Here is my setting :
> Freenet6 <--> Tunnel broker <--> My gateway PC <-->
>My Ip6 testing LAN
>All Pc are running Debian Sarge.
>After running radvd in the tunnel gateway PC , it
>automatically assigned Ipv6 global address to all my
>internel network host ( that is good ). But it also
>open the door to Ipv6 internet to access my internel
>network host . ( that is bad ) .
>I had running iptable on the tunnel gateway PC  for
>Ipv4. It give protection for Ipv4 network not Ipv6.
>So, I need to set up a Ipv6 firewall in the Tunnel
>Gatway PC.
>Here is my questions :
>1. Does the Debian Sarge Iptable also work for Ipv6 ?
>2. If it does, what command line I need to add in to
>the script file for my case ? 
>(My case is simple , My LAN host can access IPv6
>Internet via Tunnel gateway PC, but outsider can not
>get in to my LAN.)
>3. Can I add Ipv6 firewall rules into the same Iptable
>script file which is working for Ipv4 currently ?
>4. I heard the name "ip6wall", an iptable firwall for
>However I can not found it in the Debian package list.
>Any idea on ip6wall ? 
>Looking for any help on this.
>K. M. Lau
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