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Re: IPv4/IPv6 router

> > - what do i need to do to ensure the routing for my LAN in IPv6 with
> > the rest of the network ?
> 'ip -6 route' is what you need to add a default route from the
> internal network and to add a route to the internal network on the
> border router. It behaves with IPv6 just as it does with IPv4.

There is still a point that isn't clear for me : should i advertise my
LAN prefix on the rest of the network and if yes isn't there a specific
option i should set on the RA so that the hosts do not renumber ?
Because, if i don't advertise in any way this new prefixe how will the
routing protocols be able to find my new_lan ?

> > - can i avoid setting a NAT for IPv4 ?
> Sure, use IPv6 instead...
> Unless you have enough address space for you internal hosts, there is
> no way around using damn NAT for IPv4 edge networks.

in fact i have the following architecture : 

  network ---- my_router ---- my_lan

the hosts behind the router in my new LAN were before directly connected
to the network and the DHCP configures them. If is simply enable the
IPv4 forwarding and set the corresponding rules in my netfilter conf,
will the hosts behave normally, or do i need to configure them in static
mode with my_router as GW ? (All hosts/servers are in the same IPv4
network, 152.81.x.x). As the only need i have for my IPv4 connection is
for apt, setting up a NAT wouldn't cause damage (it isn't a production
network, it's only ta make a few tests around IPv6).

And for IPv6, i think i'll have to set more complex rules, ie forward
everything from the native network to the LAN (but not the sig traffic)
and in the other way forward the traffic which source is my network to
the native network (again only the traffic, not the sig) ?

Frederic Beck

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