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Re: Looking for a little guidance on IPv6

Am Montag, 20. September 2004 05:50 schrieb Jeff Schmidt:
>      Here's my main question: Is there any way to get my local 6to4
> address, default route, etc, updated automatically by pump when my IPv4
> dynamic address changes? That is, currently to get the 6to4 tunnel
> configured, I am manually setting the local address based upon what my
> IPv4 address is. Is there some script or something I can setup to be run
> automatically by pump to update the 6to4, and the default route for IP6
> traffic?

I think the best way is to setup some scripts in the ip-up / ip-down 
Within this script you need to setup the ip-addresses, routes and perhaps 
update your radvd.conf.
There is a bit of shell-code to get the 6in4-address from a given ipv4-address 
of an interface:
  addr6_here6to4="`ifconfig $EXT_DEV |grep 'inet addr'|
    awk -F '[.: ]*' '{printf "2002:%02x%02x:%02x%02x\n", $4, $5, $6, $7}'`"
The output is the /48-part of the correct-tunnel-address. This code is out of 
the script I'm using to setup my 6in4-tunnel.

I also wrote a bit down in my wiki (german language)
IPv4-hosts: https://www.roederer.dhs.org/wiki/index.php/IPv6
IPv6-hosts: http:///www.roederer.dhs.org/wiki/index.php/IPv6 (in case this 
don't work, up a "ipv6." after "www.")


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