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Re: Squid 2.5.STABLE5 with IPv6?

Kalle Olavi Niemitalo wrote:
I've been using squid_2.5.3ipv6.20030616-4 packaged by Oliver
Baltzer.  The non-IPv6 Squid packages in Debian have reached
version 2.5.5-1, and several bugs have apparently been fixed.
Is there an IPv6 variant of Squid 2.5.STABLE5?  The CVS tree at
seems rather stale.  Should I try to apply the IPv6 patch to
Squid 2.5.STABLE5 myself, or has someone done that already?

make a patch, and it could be included in Debian-IPv6 maybe (if other
developpers are ok, I can do that :cb)


Baptiste SIMON
   aka BeTa
Administrateur système GNU/Linux & Unix
A la recherche d'emploi

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