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Apache and IPv6

	I'm trying to configure apache so that local addresses just
work, and any other addresses need name+password.  I have this working
from IPv4 hosts.  When I access the server from an IPv6 host, the IP
address matching seems to fail, and I see error 403.

Here's a snippet from the httpd.conf:

   <Directory /var/www/>
	Order allow,deny
	Deny from all

	Allow from
	Allow from ::1
	Allow from
	Allow from 2002:d231:1aab::/48
	Allow from ::ffff:
	Allow from ::ffff:

	AuthName "Chubb"
	AuthType Basic
	AuthUserFile /usr/local/lib/apache/htpasswd-chubb
	Require valid-user

	Satisfy Any

	AllowOverride None

And from /var//log/apache/access.log

2002:d231:1aab:3:230:abff:fe12:737d - - [05/Jun/2003:10:23:07 +1000] \
 "GET / HTTP /1.1" 401 409 "-" \
 "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US;rv:1.3.1) Gecko/20030 521 Debian/1.3.1-1"

2002:d231:1aab:3:230:abff:fe12:737d - - [05/Jun/2003:10:29:30 +1000] \
"GET / HTTP /1.1" 401 409

Now I believe that the 2002:d231:1aab::/48 prefix should match and
allow access sans password.  But it doesn't.  How have I screwed up
(or is this an apache bug?)?

Peter Chubb.

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