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RE: auto 6to4 tunnel for dialup ppp

On Sat, 30 Nov 2002, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> Unfortunatly there isn't any widespread 6to4 relay deployment.
> This will cause major latency issues from your endside to natively
> connected hosts. Where is your anycast address ?:
>  - cybernet
>  - switch
>  - funet ? 
> And that's about it, that isn't like 'near' most of the places.

It's true that the existing relays on the anycast address are
inconveniently located for many people. This is why it's important to get
more people using 6to4 and politely asking their ISPs to set up a closer

> A script such as this should be called from /etc/network/interfaces
> or /etc/ppp/up.d/

Yes, that's why I have them in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d and /etc/ppp/ip-down.d,
and gave those paths on the "cut here" lines in my previous message :-)

> > Since the IPv4 endpoint address is used as part of the IPv6 network
> > address, clients do not need to register with the 6to4 routers, they
> > can just start sending packets and it'll work.
> And there lies a very big abuse problem as "you can just send
> packets to it" and thus abuse it for denial of services.
> And that is something we don't want now do we ? :)
> But there is work being done about that to solve these issues.
> Check the v6ops@ops.ietf.org list about that.

I believe that the abuse issues are solvable implementation details and
that they should not kill 6to4.

-- uns

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