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Re: Debian IPv6 packages

>>>>> "Javier" == Javier Castillo Alcibar <Castillo@alhsys.com> writes:

    Javier>         I see that debian unstable ipv6 packages are not
    Javier> very up to date........the USAGI project releases new
    Javier> patches for kernel, apps, libs etc...but no new debian
    Javier> packages......

I think we need to set some standards that all programs adhere to.

For instance, do we require IPv6 programs work with the standard Linux
kernel API (which I argue is broken), or do we require the USAGI
kernel extensions?

I would recommend the later, as it doesn't require servers ignore the
error code returned by bind, which IMHO is a bad thing.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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