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Re: EUI-64 and ifupdown problems

According to Jeremy T. Bouse:
> > My questions :
> > - is it possible to use an EUI-64 addr using current ifupdown package ?
> >   (instead of faking with a static address)

> 	I don't believe the current ifupdown mechanics support EUI-64 IP
> address assignment although if you have your link-local (fe80:...) address
> you should be able to build out your EUI-64 address

I'm doing exactly this for more than a year now but I'd like to
be able to use 2001:xxxx:xxxx::/EUI64 in my ifupdown configuration.
I've read the code and there's no such thing, not even a start of
EUI support :(

> > - I'm no longer able to ifdown/ifup a working alias ("SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot
> >   assign requested address" for both). 
> 	I had this problem for awhile as well and then it went away and
> I can't remember at this time what I had done to clear the problem... I
> just install'd a new server that will be dual-stack'd and if I encounter
> this again I'll let you know what I do to get it resolved...

It looks like an ifupdown bug to me...

"ifup eth0:0" lauches at least two ifconfig commands :

ifconfig eth0:0 up
ifconfig eth0:0 add myipv6/nm

the second line fails with "SIOCSIFFLAGS: .." most of the time (but
not always).
It should be better to use instead (for "inet6 static" interfaces):

ifconfig eth0:0 inet6 add myipv6/nm

hmm.. perhaps it should also be fixed in ifconfig (net-tools).

> > - it is possible to specify the pseudo default route 2000::/3 eth0 in
> >   the ifupdown conf (without using rc.boot scripts) ?
> > 
> 	I believe you can accomplish this using the "up" option to the
> interface and having it do the route command for you... 

Using the "gateway myipv6gw" command in my first v6 interface
config do the job by adding a ::/0 route. It is working in 2.2.*
and 2.4.* kernels.

Fabien Tassin -+- fta@sofaraway.org

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