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Apache Virtual host confuration and logging under IPv6

	Not sure if this is a bug or feature, but here goes.  I have a
web server running with Apache version 1.3.12.  This server has been
patched with the diffs supplied from www.debian.org~/kitame/ipv6/.

Given a VirtualHost directive:

<VirtualHost [2001:410:401:3::2]:80>
ServerName stats.ipv6.crc.ca
ServerAdmin webmaster@enterprise.dsi.crc.ca
ErrorLog logs/ipv6-error_log
CustomLog logs/ipv6-access_log common
DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/"

My problem is that the logs for my regular IPv4 virtual host and the
virtual host above are being dumped into the main server's log files.  And
I get this in the main server's log:

::ffff: - - [09/Aug/2000:17:18:50 -0400] "GET
/cgi-bin/j-e/dosearch?sDict=on&H=PW&L=J&T=noha&fg=w&S=26&I=on&IK=on HTTP/1.0" 200 1026
::ffff: - - [09/Aug/2000:17:18:52 -0400] "GET
/cgi-bin/j-e/inline/jap/%c7%be%c7%c8?TR HTTP/1.0" 200 210

So, is this a problem with linux or a bug in the Apache patch?


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