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LAN routing issues

I am having some basic connectivity problems and I am curious if someone
could point out my error or if there is a problem in the 2.2.14 associated
with what I am trying to do.  All interfaces respond to pings while on
console of the appropriate box and Node A is connected to the 6bone and
will respond to pings on eth0 and eth1.  So, with that, I assume the basic
IPv6 configuration tasks are complete.  Before I explain the problem, here
are the configurations, all IPv6 options are compiled into the kernels.

Node A:
eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:08:1B:5D:13
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::60:81b:5d13/10 Scope:Link
          inet6 addr: 3ffe:1ceb:0:2:10:1:0:1/112 Scope:Global
          RX packets:672 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:1198 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
          Interrupt:5 Base address:0x280

This is the inside interface to my gateway, this box is also doing the
tunneling.  Here is the routing information for this box relating to eth1.

3ffe:1ceb:0:2:10:1::/112                    fe80::60:81b:5d13
    UG    1      17       0 eth1
3ffe:1ceb:0:2:10:1::/112                    ::
    UA    256    0        0 eth1

I added the gateway route as a testing procedure to see if it needed it,
but it didn't work.  Currently, I have left it in there but I have tested
it without and it still doesn't work.

Node B:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:20:0C:FD:4F
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::a00:20ff:fe0c:fd4f/10 Scope:Link
          inet6 addr: 3ffe:1ceb:0:2:10:1:0:2/112 Scope:Global
          RX packets:4530 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:2386 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
          Interrupt:5 Base address:0xd400

As you can see, they are on the same subnet.  Here is the routing

3ffe:1ceb:0:2:10:1::/112                    fe80::a00:20ff:fe0c:fd4f
    UG    1      111       0 eth0
3ffe:1ceb:0:2:10:1:0:2/112                  ::
    UA    256    0        0 eth0

Here, there a few differences, but I seem not to be able to get the first
node to add the route for 3ffe:1ceb:0:2:10:1:0:1/112 and I can't delete
3ffe:1ceb:0:2:10:1::/112 (no gateway address) without removing the
identifier from the interface.  When I add the identifier, the route

During a ping test (pinging from Node B to Node A), Node 1's in packets
increase, but never sends a reply back. (information from /proc/net/snmp6)

Suggestions?  Corrections? 



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