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Re: General support for IPv6 out of the box in Debian

On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Craig Small wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 03:21:26PM +0200, Pontus Lidman wrote:
> > On the project side, we have:
> > 1) reluctance from upstream authors to introduce IPv6
> > 2) maintainers are not always knowledgeable of IPv6
> > 3) not enough people working on the debian-ipv6 project
> > 
> > Improving the debian-ipv6 project page could adress 2) and 3).
> Yep, it needs some work.  Let me know what else you think should go in. 
> I'm always open to suggestions.

Okay, I believe these items would be helpful to have on the page:

1) Instructions on how to setup IPv6 on a Debian system, preferrably using
   the new ifup/ifdown network configuration scheme. The setup information
   on Peter Bieringers page is less than straightforward to apply to
   Debian systems.

2) Provide a link to the freenet6 page. Maybe also a direct link to the
   6bone hookup page (http://www.6bone.net/6bone_hookup.html).

3) Publish a TODO-list for the debian-ipv6 project, so it is easier to see
   what is going on. Assuming there are other things to do than just
   converting packages, but I believe that's the case.

4) I guess the package list needs to be updated; only two packages are
   listed under the "work needed" section.

I feel a bit uncomfortable suggesting all this work without having more
time to spend on actual contributions myself; please don't take my
suggestions as criticism of the current page.
> One of the biggies that we still have not fixed yet is co-ordination of
> packages and their locations. Let me use an example:

Would it be at all possible to get a package section of the same kind as
non-US has? The infrastructure and routines for that seems to be tried and



Pontus Lidman, pontus@mathcore.com, Software Engineer
No matter how cynical you get, it's impossible to keep up.
Scene: www.dc-s.com | MUD: tyme.envy.com 6969 | irc: irc.quakenet.eu.org

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