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Re: General support for IPv6 out of the box in Debian

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Pontus Lidman wrote:

> This discussion has been very informative to me, I appreciate all your

And I.  The reason I'm now getting involved (by asking questions) is
because I was approached by Bob Fink of the 6bone - in turn approched by
Jun Murai who had heard the the state of IPv6 and linux was definately not
good.  The comments you put forth below are essentially what I stated
although I did add that the effort to port stuff wasn't very organized.

> 4) In principle, any debian user can connect to freenet6 easily
> If 4) is not the case, that would be an important area to work on. It
> would also, as mentioned, be good to have a debian package that automates
> the process. I think if it was easier to try it out, more debian people
> would become interested in IPv6.

I once was able to do this, but since upgrading to glibc 2.1.3, things
aren't working like they used to.  Here's what I used to connect:

## IPv6 addressing.
/sbin/ifconfig sit0 up
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 add ${IPV6ADDR}
/sbin/ifconfig sit0 tunnel ::
/sbin/ifconfig sit1 up
/sbin/route -A inet6 add 3ffe::0/16 gw fe80:: dev sit1
/sbin/route -A inet6 add 2000::0/16 gw fe80:: dev sit1
/sbin/route -A inet6 add 2001::0/16 gw fe80:: dev sit1

For the freenet6 connection, you could substitute IPV6ADDR and
"::" for the proper addressing they will supply you.

Aside from it no longer working, all it really took for me was to execute
the above commands, and I had IPv6 to my machine.

Still have to sit down and sort out what happened.

> On the project side, we have:
> 1) reluctance from upstream authors to introduce IPv6
> 2) maintainers are not always knowledgeable of IPv6

O'Reilly published a book on IPv6 - in France.  They had planned to
translate it, but nothing came of it, and that book is now into its second
edition.  I wrote to Tim O'Reilly yesterday asking what's up, so let's
wait and see.

> 3) not enough people working on the debian-ipv6 project

Yes this is probably very true.

> It might also be a good idea to get in touch with maintainers of debian
> packages that have an IPv6-specific counterpart and offer help.

That is where it gets interesting.  Most maintainers rarely see requests
for IPv6, and when someone offers to port it, they're grateful, but won't
let the result near their base code.

> Is this a correct description of the current situation? Have I missed some
> issues?

Possibly, but the question is "What then must we do?"

> Pontus


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