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Re: wu-ftpd 2.5.0 port to IPv6 available

On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Marc Martinez wrote:

> > 	I'd appreciate it if someone could test this out in a real IPv6
> > environment (using IPv6 FTP clients and inetd's), as mine is unstable at
> > the moment.
> I'll give it a shot sometime today and let you know how it works out, FWIW
> you might look into compiling xinetd with ipv6 support, it hasn't done
> anything weird on my setup, but it handles all sockets as ipv6 sockets, so
> you'll probably hafta be careful with what you have it running.  And for a
> client lftp's ipv6 support has proven to work pretty well in my tests.

Thanks.  I've got these, and tried just a simple FTP to the localhost

lftp 2001:410:401:a:ffff:fffc:8e5c:a40b:/pub> dir

lftp 2001:410:401:a:ffff:fffc:8e5c:a40b:/pub> dir

Seems to stall.  According to syslog:

Apr  6 18:05:27 quepasa ftpd[2260]: -root@ of ipv6-localhost [::1]: data
connect from for /bin/ls

I'm not sure where it's getting "" from.  Also, I notice that IPv4
FTP clients won't work with PASV on this ported FTP daemon, but I'll look
into whether this is a feature or a bug...

> Marc


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