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Re: Setting ipv6 flow info


In article <[🔎] Pine.OSF.4.21.0004052331240.8697-100000@reno.WPI.EDU> (at Thu, 6 Apr 2000 00:12:08 -0400 (EDT)), Miguel Maldonado <miguel@WPI.EDU> says:

> sock_in6.sin6_flowinfo = IPV6_PRIORITY_15 | IPV6_FLOWINFO_FLOW_LABEL;

> //If i only use sock_in6.sin6_flowinfo = IPV6_PRIORITY_15 it 
> //sets the priority ok

1. Store sin6_flowinfo by network-byte manner.
2. IPV6_PRIORITY_* is obsolete.
3. IPV6_FLOWINFO_FLOW_LABEL is defined ad 0x000fffff and
   IPV6_PRIORITY_15 is defined as 0x0f00.
   Then, IPV6_PRIORITY_15 | IPV6_FLOWINFO_FLOW_LABEL == 0x000fffff.

Hideaki YOSHIFUJI <yoshfuji@ecei.tohoku.ac.jp>
Web Page: http://www.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/%7Eyoshfuji/
PGP5i FP: F731 6599 5EB2 BBA7 1515  1323 1806 A96F 5700 6B25 

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