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Setting ipv6 flow info

	Im trying to create an ipv6 socket that will set the priority and
the flow info field.  Im able to set the priority field with no problem
but when ever I try to set a flow label it no longer can connect to the
socket. This is the relevant code i have:

struct  sockaddr_in6 sock_in6;

bzero((char *)&sock_in6, sizeof(sock_in6));

sock_in6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
f = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);

int on = 1;
setsockopt(f, SOL_IPV6, IPV6_FLOWINFO_SEND, (void *) &on,

sock_in6.sin6_flowinfo = IPV6_PRIORITY_15 | IPV6_FLOWINFO_FLOW_LABEL;

//If i only use sock_in6.sin6_flowinfo = IPV6_PRIORITY_15 it 
//sets the priority ok

 if ((connect(f, (struct sockaddr*)&sock_in6, sizeof(sock_in6))) <0)
              perror("tcp/udpblast connect:");

It never get to connect to the socket.  Any ideas why? 


Miguel Maldonado 

 ##                                                                    ##
 ##  "La lucha nunca cesa                        Miguel A. Maldonado   ##
 ##   la vida es lucha toda por                     miguel@wpi.edu     ##
 ##   obtener la libertad ansiada                                      ##
 ##   lo demas es la nada"                                             ##
 ##		     Antonio Corretjer                                 ##

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