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Re: Possible bug in ssh-nonfree IPv6

Ah, yes. It always does it to me when X11 forwarding is turned on, but xauth
fails (which, between two of my machines it always does. Stll can't figure out


Pontus Lidman wrote:

> Hello,
> It seems inappropriate to report ipv6-specific bugs on ssh-nonfree in the
> BTS, so I'm writing to this list. The bug could be in either the
> ipv6-enabled sshd or the normal ssh.
> When connecting to the ipv6-enabled sshd on my machine "h83", sshd (I
> guess) segfaults towards the end of the login process.
> Here's how:
> --8<------------
> willynilly:~% ssh h83.ryd.student.liu.se
> pontus@h83.ryd.student.liu.se's password:
> Warning: Remote host denied X11 forwarding, perhaps xauth program could
> not be run on the server side.
> Last login: Fri Jan  7 10:51:16 2000 from willynilly.mathcore.se
> Linux h83 2.2.13pre17 #4 Mon Oct 18 20:09:07 CEST 1999 i686 unknown
> Copyright (C) 1993-1999 Software in the Public Interest, and others
> Most of the programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are
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> should be described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright
> or /usr/doc/*/copyright.
> Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
> permitted by applicable law.
> Command terminated on signal 11.
> willynilly:~%
> --8<------------
> "willynilly" is a recently upgraded potato box with no ipv6 software
> installed. "h83" is a recently upgraded potato box with ipv6-enabled ssh
> software (ssh-1.2.26).
> The problem does not appear when using "ssh -x" to disable X11 forwarding.
> Is there any other information that could be important for the problem?
> --
> Pontus Lidman, pontus@mathcore.com, Software Engineer
> No matter how cynical you get, it's impossible to keep up.
> Scene: www.dc-s.com | MUD: tyme.envy.com 6969 | irc: irc.quakenet.eu.org
> --
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