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Possible bug in ssh-nonfree IPv6


It seems inappropriate to report ipv6-specific bugs on ssh-nonfree in the
BTS, so I'm writing to this list. The bug could be in either the
ipv6-enabled sshd or the normal ssh.

When connecting to the ipv6-enabled sshd on my machine "h83", sshd (I
guess) segfaults towards the end of the login process.

Here's how:
willynilly:~% ssh h83.ryd.student.liu.se
pontus@h83.ryd.student.liu.se's password:
Warning: Remote host denied X11 forwarding, perhaps xauth program could
not be run on the server side.
Last login: Fri Jan  7 10:51:16 2000 from willynilly.mathcore.se
Linux h83 2.2.13pre17 #4 Mon Oct 18 20:09:07 CEST 1999 i686 unknown

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Command terminated on signal 11.

"willynilly" is a recently upgraded potato box with no ipv6 software
installed. "h83" is a recently upgraded potato box with ipv6-enabled ssh
software (ssh-1.2.26).

The problem does not appear when using "ssh -x" to disable X11 forwarding.

Is there any other information that could be important for the problem?

Pontus Lidman, pontus@mathcore.com, Software Engineer
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