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Re: Apache IPv6 1.3.9 + Named Virtual Hosting

In article <[🔎] 19991202004226.B15586@cyllene.uwa.edu.au> (at Thu, 2 Dec 1999 00:42:26 +0800), "James Bromberger \(CWIS Officer\)" <James.Bromberger@uwa.edu.au> says:

> Can anyone please tell me why should be so different with the IPv4 Named 
> Virtual Hosting here? I assume others have got NVH and IPv6 working...

Hmm, I don't think that it's Debian specific issue.
Could you show me your log and other proper information
(i.e. REMOTE_ADDR etc.)?

I think that comparison of IPv4 mapped address does not worked correctly
(at least, as we expected).  I should work on it...

Recently, new project named 'Linux IPv6 Application Porting Project' 
has been started. It's set up for making distribution-independent 
IPv6 application porting to Linux systems.  Why don'y you join us?

See: http://www.v6.linux.or.jp/

Hideaki YOSHIFUJI <yoshfuji@ecei.tohoku.ac.jp>
Web Page: http://www.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/%7Eyoshfuji/
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