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Apache IPv6 1.3.9 + Named Virtual Hosting

Has anyone been experiencing any weirdness with IPv6 and Named Virtual 

I have a very simple set up on a test machine with the following config:

---excerpt from httpd.conf ----
ServerName pelican
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
Options ExecCGI
DirectoryIndex index.cgi
DocumentRoot /var/www/pelican
ErrorLog /var/log/apache/pelican-error.log
TransferLog /var/log/apache/pelican-access.log

ServerName james
DocumentRoot /var/www
--- end excerpt ----

All of this works fine with non ipv6 (1.3.9-10), and I can happily 
`dpkg -i apache_1.3.9-10.deb` to get it to work, and `apt-get upgrade` 
to break it - without touching the config files at all.

Can anyone please tell me why should be so different with the IPv4 Named 
Virtual Hosting here? I assume others have got NVH and IPv6 working...

Many Thanks,

 James Bromberger, UWA Campus Wide Information Systems Officer (UWA Webmaster)
 Work Ph:  +61-8-9380-7306              Work Fax: +61-8-9380-1162
 Remainder moved to http://www.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au/~james/james/sig.html

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