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(fwd) pftp 1.0.0 IPv4, IPv6, unicast, broadcast, multicast


I'll have a look at this program soon, maybe it's worth to be included in
Debian (maybe it already is in any form or shape, didn't check yet?).

So this is mainly a reminder for myself, owell :-)


-- forwarded message --
From: Ben Schluricke <ben@chakotay.berkom.de>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Subject: pftp 1.0.0 IPv4, IPv6, unicast, broadcast, multicast
Date: Tue,  1 Jun 1999 20:21:49 GMT


                              P o r t - F T P

                               Version 1.0.0

I'm proud to announce version 1.0.0 of pftp.  This version supports fast
data transfer via TCP and UDP unicasted, broadcasted, and multicasted on
IPv4 as well as IPv6.  Here are some details:

TCP based data transfer:

   - Send and receive directories recusively
   - Send and receive standard input and output
   - Filter your connection (usually by pgp or gzip/gunzip)
   - Correct timing (in contrast to ftp)
   - Set aliases for host and user names
   - Reduce informational output at a minimum for shell scripts
   - Set size of string to be read and written at once
   - Set the net buffer size
   - Set the bandwidth (calibration is 2 seconds, period is 2 seconds)
   - May be started as a daemon on any port or be started by the internet
     daemon.  Both include a password checking mechanism
   - You may also send files and directories including a subject line
     and a message file if needed to other people in the net.  Of course
     you can comfortably browse through your received data.
   - Perform a network performance test based on TCP.

UDP based data transfer:

   - On the client side you can send your data as well as you send it
     with the TCP based connection. On the server side everything you
     receive is written to standard output.  UDP based data transfer is
     unreliable though.  It is meant for sending and receiving AUDIO
     and VIDEO streams.
   - You can send unicasted, broadcasted, and multicasted datagrams.
   - On Linux it is possible to interactively change the bandwidth
     and drop some datagrams periodically on the client side.  On the
     server side the number of incomming bytes can be shown.
   - Perform a network performance test based on UDP.

All of the above mentioned features are supported for both Internet
protocols IPv4 and IPv6.

So, what you are waiting for?  Download pftp's latest version from


or if that site is down from


pftp is free software.  It is released under the GNU General Public License.
Hope, you have a lot of fun with that nice little program!

- --
Ben Schluricke            email: pftp@star.trek.org

- -- 
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