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Re: When will next release of im-config happen?


On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 11:17:38PM +0100, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
> Any thoughts about the below questions?
> Another interesting not yet uploaded commit is the one which adds support
> for fcitx5.
> I'd really appreciate your input in this matter.
> Rgds,
> / Gunnar
> On 2020-03-08 23:07, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
> > There is a "devel" branch in the im-config repo with a not insignificant
> > commit from July:
> >
> > https://salsa.debian.org/input-method-team/im-config/-/commit/0ecace6c
> >
> > It has not been uploaded yet, though, not even to experimental. My
> > simple question is: Why not?
> >
> > The reason I ask is that Ubuntu will soon release next version with 5
> > years support (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS). If the new approach, i.e. setting all
> > the environment variables irrespective of the presence of applicable
> > modules, is better in some sense, I can think that we should ship 20.04
> > with that change included. Or is there a good reason not to rush?
> >
> > Thanks!

Thanks fir the reminder.

Uploading to ftp-master (via ftp to ftp.upload.debian.org):
  Uploading im-config_0.44-1.dsc: done.
  Uploading im-config_0.44.orig.tar.xz: done.
  Uploading im-config_0.44-1.debian.tar.xz: done.
  Uploading im-config_0.44-1_all.deb: done.
  Uploading im-config_0.44-1_amd64.buildinfo: done.
  Uploading im-config_0.44-1_amd64.changes: done.

I am behind many things FLOSS projects.  As for input method related
projects, I am loosing motivation and resources.  I am happy to hand
over maintainership to any reasonable competent person such as Gunnar
and Boyuan.  (Please note this is my hobby volunteer activity.)

As for the new approach, i.e. setting all the environment variables
irrespective of the presence of applicable modules is an very ugly
workaround under the time and resource constrain to support IM under
wayland/systemd.  I hope the new maintainer will come up with a proper
long term fix along:

1. Send a patch to gnome-session's gnome-session/main.c to make its
   hardcoded IM (lines on 297 and lines after 394) as configurable
   via some configuration file or some configuration database.
   At least, ibus and fcitx needs to be supported as cleanly
   configurable options.  (Overriding another hardcoded option is

2. Make KDE/LXDE/... to adopt the new approach as GNOME.

3. Drop wayland/systemd support from im-config and make it for pure X
   system such as fvwm if someone wants.  I am not interested to
   maintain after this point.  At this stage, im-config shoud not be
   installed by default.

Besides above, someone needs to work on the following soon.  Any
competent person are free to make upload addressing these bugs.

+++ lintian output +++
su: warning: cannot change directory to /nonexistent: No such file or directory
W: im-config source: debian-watch-file-missing-version
>> This us false positive.
N:    The debian/watch file in this package doesn't start a version= line. The
N:    first non-comment line of debian/watch should be a version= declaration.
N:    This may mean that this is an old version one watch file that should be
N:    updated to the current version.
N:    Refer to the uscan(1) manual page for details.
N:    Severity: warning
N:    Check: debian/watch
I: im-config source: out-of-date-standards-version 4.2.0 (released 2018-08-02) (current is 4.5.0)
>> very true
N:    The source package refers to a Standards-Version older than the one that
N:    was current at the time the package was created (according to the
N:    timestamp of the latest debian/changelog entry). Please consider
N:    updating the package to current Policy and setting this control field
N:    appropriately.
N:    If the package is already compliant with the current standards, you
N:    don't have to re-upload the package just to adjust the Standards-Version
N:    control field. However, please remember to update this field next time
N:    you upload the package.
N:    See /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz in the
N:    debian-policy package for a summary of changes in newer versions of
N:    Policy.
N:    Refer to
N:    https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.html for
N:    details.
N:    Severity: info
N:    Check: fields/standards-version
I: im-config source: testsuite-autopkgtest-missing
>> very true
N:    This package does not declare a test suite.
N:    Having a test suite aids with automated quality assurance of the archive
N:    outside of your package. For example, if your package has a test suite
N:    it is possible to re-run that test suite when any of your package's
N:    dependencies have a new version and check whether that update causes
N:    problems for your package.
N:    In addition, since May 2018 these tests now influence migration from
N:    unstable to testing:
N:     https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2018/05/msg00001.html
N:    Please add a debian/tests/control file to your package to declare a
N:    testsuite, but please make sure to only add autopkgtests if they provide
N:    meaningful coverage of your package.
N:    Refer to https://ci.debian.net/doc/ for details.
N:    Severity: info
N:    Check: testsuite
+++ end of lintian output +++

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