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Re: Unstable desktop experience with kernel > 2.6.38


How have you been doing in the meantime?  I have been on a hiatus,
mainly due to university.

On 17-1-2012 23:20, Émeric Maschino wrote:
Well, graphical desktop experience is _unstable_. When I say "desktop
experience", I'm talking about basic desktop tasks, not fancy OpenGL
rendering. I have at least two reproducible scenari (I'm running Gnome
- random X restart while typing into a GNOME terminal window
- Iceweasel killed when I try to click on the Back button or while
trying to click on the Edit menu.

Out of curiosity, is this still the case?  If you could fill me in,
like you have before (for which I'm very grateful, I should stress),
that would be excellent and I'll be able to pick up where I left a
lot easier.

I've also been in touch with an experienced Gentoo IA-64 developer/
contributor, who (like me) also has an rx2620.  However, I think I'm
one of the few people 'out there' with 9000 series ("Montecito") CPUs
in my rx2620s.  Things like AGP are therefore extra problematic, since
HP never 'officially' supported things like that either (as we have
discussed before).

Off-topic, but, are you still also interested in trying VMS?  Nowadays
HP distributes the media for non-commercial usage!  (I could naturally
lend you my media as well, if you should prefer that.)

Kind regards,


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