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Re: bug tracking problems?

>>>>> On Sat, 03 Jan 2004 19:06:30 -0700, Matt Taggart <taggart@debian.org> said:

  Matt> David Mosberger writes...

  >> I found now that if I search for David.Mosberger@acm.org, I do
  >> find most of my reports.

  Matt> Yeah it uses whatever address you used when filing it.

Could this search be made a bit smarter/more tolerant?  It would be
much nicer if I could search for my last name and get a list of all
reports submitted by "Mosberger" (it'd be OK to only search the From:
header).  Also, it appears searching for "submitter email" only
searches for the _original_ submitter (not for any followups)?  That
seems to explain why I couldn't find my evolution bug report & patch
(see next paragraph) and just seems incredibly broken.

OK, I now was able to find my bug-report/patch for evolution: it's bug
number #198660 and my patch was a follow-up to Dann Frazier's original
report.  That bug is 194 (!) days old.  Does this mean my patch will
be overlooked?

  >> Maybe my frustration is not with the bug-tracking system but with
  >> the fact that my reports are ignored, despite containing patches?

  Matt> When sending patches to the BTS you might want to add a
  Matt> "patch" tag.

Yes, I found that and have done that in the more recent submissions.

  Matt> I have added the patch tag to #224715 and #224746. Also, as
  Matt> you indicate in the report, #224344 is really a glibc problem
  Matt> so I have reassign'd the bug there. Information on
  Matt> manipulating bugs is at,
  Matt> http://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control You don't have to do
  Matt> it yourself but if it's clear what needs to be done it can
  Matt> help speed up the process.

Thanks for that URL.  I was looking for a way to reassign the bug, but
didn't know this URL (and I didn't find a clickedy-way of reassigning
the bug).

  Matt> All the bugs filed by David.Mosberger@acm.org are less than a
  Matt> month old(and over a major holiday as well), so I'm not
  Matt> surprised they haven't been dealt with yet. If they aren't
  Matt> fixed within a couple weeks ask another debian maintainer to
  Matt> prepare a Non-Maintainer-Upload(or prepare one yourself and
  Matt> get a maintainer to upload it for you).

OK, lets see what happens.  It _would_ be nice if I could to submit
patches/bug-reports for packages which I'm not familiar with via the
Debian bug tracking system and be assurred that they problems will get
taken care of in a timely manner.


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