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Please test the latest xemacs21 package

  Hi, ia64 people.  I'm a new maintainer of xemacs21 package.

  Xemacs21 21.4.15-3, which I upload several days ago, includes
the latest patch for ia64 borrowed from SuSE Linux.  Please test
xemacs21 package (21.4.15-4) on your ia64 machine.  Can you install
this package correctly?  Can you run xemacs21 without SEGV
problem?  Are the bugs #207412, #218241 and #149088 already

  For more detail about this patch, see


  Xemacs21 package was remove from sarge because of several RC
bugs.  But this is last RC bug which isn't closed.  Please help me.


  P.S.  I'm not on this list. Please CC: to me.

  OHURA Makoto: ohura@debian.org(Debian Project)
  GnuPG public key: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~ohura/gpg.asc.txt
        fingerprint: 54F6 D1B1 2EE1 81CD 65E3  A1D3 EEA2 EFA2 77DC E083

Attachment: pgpiWOSlotvfM.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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