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Re: Simple Question: which Kernel I should use

>>>>> On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 21:31:19 +0100, Stefan Schroepfer <whoknows@onlinehome.de> said:

  Stefan> But where I become scared is the topic about "CPU revisions"
  Stefan> or "steppings". What CPU stepping is necessary (Itanium I,
  Stefan> for now), to use kernels shipped with 3.0 r1 or even more
  Stefan> recent, let alone other software ...

  Stefan> Any hint appreciated (and sorry for *not* having read a
  Stefan> maybe existing FAQ),

Any production machine should have recent enough CPU stepping to be
fine (C0 or newer, IIRC).  If someone is trying to sell you a
prototype, they're probably doing something illegal and you don't want
to get that anyhow (AFAIK, all Itanium prototypes are property of
Intel and thus cannot be resold legally).


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